
WAI Environmental Solutions AS

Société | Norvège


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About us

WAI Environmental Solutions AS provides innovative solutions to improve sustainability of the high carbon emission companies and the waste management industry. We develop and implement environmental technologies for organic waste valorisation, renewable energy and biochar production, hazardous waste treatment and wastewater treatment. We truly believe great opportunities lie in closing the  circular economy gaps. Our solutions are based on low temperature belt dryer, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and biofilm-based wastewater treatment technologies.

Belt dryer

Our low temperature belt dryer is a highly efficient system that can utilize a wide range of heating sources for sludge and biomass drying applications in several industrial sectors.


Our pyrolysis systems have been installed in five countries with largest handling capacity of 5 ton per hour. The systems work at a wide range of temperatures with many types of feedstocks.


Synolys® is a game-changing technology that enables existing biomethane plants worldwide to reduce production costs, meet future regulations and maximize decarbonization effects.


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