
Faromatics SL

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Faromatics SL is a new start-up bringing high tech to livestock production. By monitoring animals continuously, our aim is to detect their needs quickly and reliably. By satisfaction of those needs we will help farmers to become more competitive.

We are keeping things still a bit under wraps. Our prototypes have been successfully tested on farms in Spain and the United Kingdom, but it’s still early days for our ambitions. We understand how important it is that our product functions every day without any hiccups.

Here is what we can say at the moment: it’s about measurement of vital parameters at the level of chickens for observation and detection of health and welfare issues. Our product is an autonomously moving smart observation platform with on-board capability for vision (visible and thermal), sound and ambient conditions. Its functionality can be extended with additional sensors that can access computing power, network, battery and other services of product.

If you would like us to keep in touch, please send an email to info@faromatics.com

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