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About your organization / profile
Corallia is an incubator, youth entrepreneurship accelerator, and multi-Cluster facilitator established in 2005 as a Unit of the Athena Research Center.
Corallia is one of the main pillars of the European innovation ecosystem that underpins predominantly national development plans in Greece.
Our team comprises of people possessing a passion and a vision for supporting Greece’s "sciences, innovation, entrepreneurship and culture to flourish" as well as more specific goals to promote a "Joy of Creation" culture and the development of services and products "Innovation Made in Greece”.
To achieve our vision, we have developed a wide range of activities focusing on enhancing and disseminating innovation of all forms in the private and public sector; shaping cutting-edge technology sectors and integrated value chains with a competitive advantage; stimulating links between industry, universities, research centers, public administration and citizens; boosting exports and competitiveness with a specialized extroversion program; creating and maintaining highly skilled jobs and reversing the brain drain; providing information, inspiration and training, particularly on entrepreneurship and high tech; investing in the human capital and fostering relations with the diaspora, and creating integrated support structures for new aspiring entrepreneurs and dynamic businesses with incubator services and business acceleration.
Corallia has supported up to date more than 500 innovative enterprises, of all sizes, to grow in Greece and internationally, of which more than 300 new startups. More than 10.000 people and organisations have directly benefited from our activities, including would-be-entrepreneurs, startups, SMEs, large corporations, pupils and students, while the indirect beneficiaries exceed 100.000 civilians and organisations.
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Jorge-A. Sanchez-P. has rejoined Corallia.