A propos de votre organisation

TL;DR: Yoteqi is an AI-driven professional networking platform and super app, redefining the way individuals and businesses expand their networks, uncover valuable opportunities, and nurture impactful connections. Our B2B offering, Yoteqi Business, leverages AI as a SAAS solution, specializing in digitized customer acquisition, professional network expansion, lead nurturing, and data-driven decision-making while reducing their carbon footprint.



Yoteqi is a cutting-edge AI-driven professional networking platform and super app, redefining the way individuals and businesses expand their networks, uncover valuable opportunities, and nurture impactful connections. With a host of added features, Yoteqi stands out as a professional super app that empowers users to establish a robust online presence. These features include a digital business card, personal landing page builder, and cutting-edge AI/ML-enhanced contact management tools. Additionally, Yoteqi provides third-party integrations and mini-apps that offer users an even wider range of options and tools via our Yoteqi mini app store. By utilizing Yoteqi, professionals can take advantage of a robust set of tools to grow their network and leverage emerging opportunities.


Yoteqi Enterprise (B2B): [Yoteqi Enterprise leverages the power of Yoteqi and brings it to companies and corporates] Our B2B offering, Yoteqi Business, leverages AI as a SAAS solution, specializing in digitized customer acquisition, professional network expansion, lead nurturing, and data-driven decision-making. Elevate your networking and business strategy with Yoteqi today. while being environmentally conscious.

Recherche de partenaires

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Seeking partnership with AI and ML Research Institutions

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Objet du partenariat

Global expansion and franchise partners

Type de partenariat
Objet du partenariat

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