
Netwerk Ondernemen

| Sur invitation

14 organisations labellisées

Onglets principaux

À propos du label

People with mentors perform better, advance in their careers faster, and even experience more work-life satisfaction. And mentors benefit, too. After all, “to teach is to learn twice.”

Despite all these benefits, and even though most working entrepreneurs believe that a mentor is important to growth, more than 50% do not have such a relationship.

Matching is what we do at Netwerk Ondernemen! 

Mentorship is the beating heart of Netwerk Ondernemen. In our core program "Mentor Me" we match experienced entrepreneurs with scale-up founders for a 1-on-1 mentorship during two years.

Our operation is only possible in an environment of trust. Quality takes precedence over quantity, which is why only a limited number of founders are admitted to the network each year.


Accompagnied startups looking for funds can request the Netwerk odnernemen Label here.

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