
z healthcare

Société | Tunisie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Z HEALTHCARE is a startup of medical 3D services, we provide healthcare workers with 3D files ready to print in their 3D printer, our goal is to democratize 3D printing in the healthcare industry as a solution to the lack of healthcare professionals and the ancestral method of manualy taking the model of patient with plaster,

By taking a 1min scanner of fratured patient we are able to make 3D printed cast that is breathable, lightweight and water resistant,

We are producing 3D printed prosthetic legs for amputees that are confortable to wear and have the exact shape of their natural leg in less time and money than the conventional prosthesis,

Moreover we did produce a replicant of 3D printed unborn baby for a blind mum by treating the images of the ultrasound of her fetus,

We are currently working to expand our business worldwide,

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