
resilient ag

Société | Suisse

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

We focus on employee burnout prevention and digital resilience training. Our solution, STOA, is an AI that analyzes biometric, phone sensor, user input, and behavioral data to predict and prevent burnout. STOA coaches employees to leverage their autonomic nervous system ensuring people can focus when needed. We and some of the most prominent neuroscientists, like Andrew Huberman (Stanford University), believe that this is the next step in human evolution.

Organizations benefit from knowing in advance when, how, and where to act. Burnout is a rapidly increasing problem and chronic stress, the underlying cause, is the reason for 70-90% of hospitalizations and responsible for comorbidities and almost all psychiatric illnesses. Stress costs US companies $300bn/yr and CHF10bn in CH/yr.


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