

Société | Belgique


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A propos de votre organisation

iFLUX envisions the importance of clean and available groundwater. Fresh water is not only essential for human health, but also for the global economy. Yet the world has failed to manage its freshwater resources sustainably. Monitoring groundwater pollution and dynamics is complex and requires highly accurate and real-time data to create a better understanding of aquifer behavior over time and spatially.

Since start-up in 2017, iFLUX served already +100 customer to characterize contaminated sites and optimize remediation design with our patented passive sampling system to monitor flow of industrial pollution. It was recognized as highly innovative and won the prestigious NICOLE Innovation Award. Our customers can measure mass flux of most emerging pollutants with low  detection limits, which helps to reduce remediation project duration and costs.

During market traction, customer insights revealed the potential of real-time monitoring. For this, iFLUX developed a groundwater sensing probe which monitors low-flow conditions, combining water levels and infiltration rates with accurate and real-time pollution measurements. These data enable us to deliver our customers an integrated, real-time groundwater monitoring solution, based on a real-time IoT sensor networks and smart data management, using artificial intelligence to improve environmental risk assessment by visualizing and integrating the dynamics of groundwater and groundwater pollution.


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