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Réseaux d'accompagnement | France


Onglets principaux

À propos de votre organisation

Our mission is to fill this start-up financing gap by accompanying, educating, enlightening, coaching, and enabling the following participants:

  • Angel investors: to build, manage and exit startup investment portfolios
  • Entrepreneurs: to prepare, plan, execute, close and leverage financing rounds
  • Start-up board members: to prepare new and experienced board members to handle situations associated with being on a start-up board
  • Ecosystem players: to design, create and sustain ecosystem building initiatives

In collaboration with key local partners and stakeholders, our Team of Expert Trainers are specialized in analyzing entrepreneurial ecosystems and identifying where support is needed, ensuring local players acquire the tools and knowledge to support and scale up the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and helping them acquire independence in the process. As such, our expertise is also in training and coaching future Deal Leaders, Group Coaches, Business Angels Networks Managers, and Start-up Board Members

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