

Société | Royaume-Uni

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

“There is untapped value in bringing the bio-intelligence of natural systems into cities, turning buildings into living machines that produce energy, store CO2 and clean the air. To achieve that we need to think about the living world as a part of the current digital revolution, so nature becomes part of a new bio-smart infrastructure.”
Marco Poletto, co-founder and director of ecoLogic Studio

ecoLogic Studio Ltd is a design innovation agency specialising in bio-digital technology for the built environment.

Co-founded in London in 2005 by Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, the company has built an international reputation for its innovative projects integrating systemic thinking, computational design, biotechnology and digital prototyping. ecoLogic Studio’s vision is to transform the way our urbanising society lives and inhabits our cities. We will achieve this goal by delivering design innovation for the fast growing green and smart building industries.

Over the past 10 years we have pioneered the combined properties of living microalgae organisms with cutting-edge digital fabrication technologies. We have created innovative products ranging in scale from interior design applications to urban green planning tools; among them is the bio-digital architectural cladding system, PhotoSynthetica.

ecoLogicStudio has strong links to academic research. Claudia Pasquero is Director of the Urban Morphogenesis Lab at The Bartlett, UCL and Professor at the University of Innsbruck.


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