
aQysta BV

Société | Pays-Bas

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

A high-tech company founded in Delft, Netherlands in 2013, aQysta aims to
provide sustainable hydro-powered pumping solutions that can have a positive
economic, environmental and social impact.

At its Delft office, aQysta conducts technology research, product design and
development, sourcing and global sales of its innovative irrigation technologies.
aQysta works with partners from various sectors (government institutions,
international development organizations, private distributors, manufacturers, and
universities), to introduce and implement innovative, sustainable, and efficient
irrigation equipment and services. Together with this qualitative network of
partners, aQysta has been leading irrigation and agronomic projects in 12 different
countries while building regional offices in Nepal, Colombia, Malawi, India,
and Indonesia.

aQysta is on a quest to provide water for farming in sustainable ways!

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