
WAS Co México

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Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Worldwide Accountability Solutions, the main objective of which is to generate and integrate solutions with a high social and environmental impact, based on technology, currently focused on the recycling and construction industry.

WAS Co has generated 5 business brands such as:

  • Polycrete by WAS Co: Development of sustainable construction materials based on recycled polymer compounds applied to structural and non-structural material, with better mechanical and chemical properties and at a competitive price.
  • MWorks by WAS Co: Construction of sustainable buildings for social use such as housing with new Lego-type construction system, to reduce costs up to 60%, and build the house in 2 to 3 days. It's thermal, not flammable, and secure.
  • Polycreate by WAS Co: Development and commercialization of products based on recycled materials such as: personal and domestic accessories, business and corporate products, interior and exterior design, among other personalized designs.
  • Bauss by WAS Co: Development and commercialization of materials for auxiliary or secondary use within the construction processes of projects and based on the properties and characteristics required in them.
  • Möbius by WAS Co: Management and Channeling of Domestic and Industrial Waste through the digitization of information and technology for a better collection, management and final disposal of organic and inorganic waste.

More information: www.wascompany.com


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