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Société | France


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VitaDX is a startup currently developing a non-invasive solution for early bladder cancer diagnosis built on a differential fluorescent signal. VisioCyt® is an image processing software based on a customized cytological staining process allowing the observation of cells in fluorescence and in white light.

VitaDX is based on research led since 2006, by the Institute of Molecular Sciences of Orsay (CNRS-University South Paris) and the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital (APHP) which led to a patent for the fluorescence analysis method. One new patent will be added to the portfolio for the algorithms, early 2017, with the ONERA (French Aerospace Lab), experts in image processing, as part of a financial support by the SATT-Saclay.

VitaDX International was created in April 2015 and is based in France, with two locations: Rennes (Brittany) and Paris. It employs 13 people, with 11 dedicated to R&D activities.


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