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A propos de votre organisation

We are living a new revolution, fueled by the immersion of our lives and economies in digital technologies. Companies are facing huge problems to make a digital transformation in a fast and smooth way. This is why we have developed an alternative to programming: semantic engineering. It allows us to create the most advanced low-code platforms, which are the key components for the digital transformation of our customers. UGROUND's technology is better than software engineering in every single Performance Indicator: it is faster, escales smoothly, reduces complexity, is much more flexible, reduces cost of ownership to a fraction, supports highly complex technical or functional problems, can be applied in an universal way, is more robust, etc. We outperform traditional software in every single aspect but one: frustration. UGROUND was born as B2T in 2011, with the objetive of applying Model Driven Engineering at large scale. Now, we are the leading global company that can solve any business problem without coding. Our close partnership with customers is producing impressive success stories about fast digital transformation in large companies.

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