

Société | Belgique


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Treedy’s: 3D Scanning for everyone
Treedy’s was founded in 2015 with the idea of developing a new type of 3D scanning system that combines the
advantages of photogrammetry (very fast capture time and accurate colour detail) with active scanning techniques
(very high precision). This was enabled by the recent development of very high quality low-cost SoC ecosystems
which allowed Treedy’s to build a high-quality prototype for a very low cost.
The scanning system produced by Treedy’s yielded state-of-the-art results, and the intention was to offer this
solution as a means to scan items as well as people. However Treedy’s quickly realized that their solution had the
clearest advantages over competitors in the emerging market of human body scanning.


Recherche de partenaires

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Looking for partnership in digital fashion

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