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A propos de votre organisation

TransPod Inc is a Toronto-based company founded in 2015 to develop and implement evacuated tube transportation (also known as hyperloop or vacuum train) in Canada and abroad. In a hyperloop system, pressurized passenger and cargo vehicles travel in a low-pressure tube environment, driven by linear induction motors at speeds exceeding 1000 km/h. TransPod’s cutting-edge new design enables a significant reduction in the investment capital, increases the system’s reliability, and improves its operational performance, allowing a stronger business case than what has been developed for this system so far. TransPod’s vehicle and infrastructure are being designed together for optimal performance, using TransPod’s IP. Powered by environmentally-sustainable solar/electric energy in a tube system that is unaffected by weather conditions, TransPod’s system enables passenger and cargo travel that is faster than airline travel, creating a reliable mass transportation system and a high-potential investment opportunity for investors.


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