

Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

#Industrial #Quality Meets #Sustainability

At TiHive we help industries become more sustainable by ensuring no raw materials are wasted while producing high quality products.

We empower manufacturers using our distributed and inline monitoring systems to build high quality products whilst optimizing their raw materials and reducing waste.

We have developed a state of the art in-line monitoring solution based on terahertz see-through vision technology allied to deep learning that monitor raw material usage and uncover and process hidden features within products in real time.

Our mission is to create a world where manufacturers deliver a perfect product to their customers, where raw materials are used sustainably and efficiently, with minimum waste.

We are an 🇪🇺EU and BPI-France funded company made up of a diverse and passionate multinational team. Contact us today to find how we can help.


We have received the following financing thus far:

ADD (BPI) 1,8M€

EIC Accelerator Grant: 2,3M€

EIC Accelerator Equity: 6,3M€

Reseau Entreprendre: 90k€

+ various commercial-bank loans and BPI loans

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