

Société | France




Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Who We Are

Thinkit is the first purpose built platform designed to help clients address the digital transformation needs created by accelerating technology advances, the changing competitive landscape and the rise of the empowered consumer.

Thinkit was forged to address this challenge by fusing two paths to problem solving - Digital Solutions & Business/Technology Consulting. The platform is unique in combining

Internet of Things + 3D printed, ultra-customizable products + Mobile applications

What We Do

Thinkit is designing and developing so that users get the same experience regardless of where they are or what device they’re using. The benefit of something being responsive is that it is not only functional, but it’s also emotional. It allows the creator to build a stronger connection between users and their products, because they can accommodate change, and therefore, life, like never before.To build a stronger connection between users and their products.

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