
The Butler App

Société | Grèce

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

We are a marketplace for Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes that gives them the ability to digitalize their dine-in experience by uploading their menu and remotely and safely receive their customer's order.

Their customers can find and safely browse their up to date menus from the safety of their smartphones, and when on site safely place their and choose a payment option saving a lot of time in the process.

Our main goal, as The Butler app, is to offer business owners with all the tools they need. We want to help business owners  safely receive their customer's order, keep their digitized menu always updated, save time preparing orders and serving them as well as promote their business. We also create an online presence for these businesses due to the nature of our marketplace. They have the option to upload photos of their dishes and facilities to intice customers as well as provide links to various social medias and review sites.

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