
Ste Bon Voyage Innomator SARL

Société | Maroc

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

    Name of the company is Ste Bon Voyage Innomator Sarl and it’s main business sectors are:
     - Kwoneo & Fitdojo - Online Training Courses (kwoneo.com & onlinefitdojo.com)
     - Bon Voyage - Touristic tours in Morocco (bonvoyagemorocco.com)
     - Innomator - Marketing, photography, web & visual design (innomator.com)
    The Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters (South-Korea) supports and promotes the deployment of the service to national sports governing bodies and their subordinate clubs and associations. Our partnership network is ready to promote the service when it is launched. So far we have partner gyms in Finland, UK, USA, Morocco, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Australia, Belgium and South Korea. We are making new connections all the time.
    - co-founder 30%, CEO, art director
    - business planning and management
    - 52 yo. and life-long experience in business management, real estate and engineering
    - former property manager at Realia Management (Finland)
    - former CEO at Katajanokan Huolto (Finland)
    - co-founder 60%, Business Analyst, SME
    - Operations manager in Online Training (Kwoneo & FitDojo)
    - developer of the self defence curriculum
    - 26 yo. studied and experienced in martial arts coaching and gym management
    - 2nd dan black belt in taekwondo
    - former CEO at Taekwondo Gym in Finland
    - Technical Support Senior Analyst in NTT Data
    - Member of Business Finland under Ministry for Foreign Affairs

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