

Société | Belgique

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Snikpic wants to make digital marketing accessible to any business owner around the world.


Business owners often struggle to market their activity on the internet because:

  • It's expensive : Press agencies cost at least 800€/month to ensure a superficial management of small organizations' social media
  • It's complicated : The managers of small organizations have very little knowledge of social media and digital promotion of their activity
  • It's time consuming : Marketing is not considered a pillar of their core business by SME managers, so they do not want to spend time on it


Snikpic manages to offer digital marketing services which are up to 8 times cheaper than similar offers from agencies thanks to:

  • A disrupted delivery model : Instead of using a local workforce that lacks flexibility and whose hourly wage is high, we rely on a network of international freelance experts
  • Artificial Intelligence : We have developed several modules to automate the generation and publication of content. This allows us to drastically reduce the time spent serving each client
  • Lean processes : From promoting through influencers to identifying organic content and publications, we have developed proprietary solutions that simplify the process

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