
ShipReality Inc.

Société | Grèce

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Team: The founding team consists of Georgios Bourtzos and Lambros Kaiktsis, Princeton University engineering classmates, and Christos Papadopoulos and Alexandros Ginnis, Professors of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. Georgios has extensive US business experience, having spent 25 years in Wall Street, while the three co-founding professors are experts in marine engineering, geometrical modeling, VR/AR/MR ship design and gaming graphics.  Our remaining team consists of 4 of the top NTUA graduates with MSc degrees in Naval Arch. & Marine Engineering (2 full time and 2 part time).

The probelm: Ship Retrofits and the Green Energy Transition in Shipping

Shipping companies face the enormous task of retrofitting the majority of their fleet in order to comply with environmental regulations and enable decarbonization in shipping. Ballast water treatment regulation alone requires 60,000 ships to be retrofitted, while thousands more will install scrubbers to deal with IMO2020 SOx emissions regulations, followed by green energy conversions and ship repurposing.

Retrofitting ships isn’t an easy task and design processes take months with potential design errors. Working with immersive digital models directly in 3D space enables ship retrofit designs that are 10 faster and optimal versus traditional processes. Without such technology shipping companies not only delay their green energy transition, but face substantial revenue losses.


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