

Société | France


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Our mission, at Sylfen, is to create a world where energy can be supplied securely from local and renewable sources. It calls for energy storage. But the main challenge is to listen to energy consumers, companies, local authorities, even families. They are now turning into energy producers at the scale of their buildings. They wish to take power over their energy, to be in control of their energy supply, by using the energy they produce and produce the energy they need.

Sylfen develops the « smart energy hub ». It makes it possible to adjust the energy production of a building to its needs. It is a hybrid solution, integrating batteries for high speed response and hydrogen for large energy storage. At the core of this solution, there is a disruptive innovation: a reversible, high temperature and high efficiency electrolyser, outcome of 10 years of R&D at CEA, protected by 20 patents with an exclusive license for Sylfen.

The smart energy hub stores surplus energy, for example the week-end solar production off an office building. It supplies the energy back as combined electricity and heat. To complete the coverage of the building’s energy needs, the smart energy hub can also produce on site electricity and heat from methane or bio-gas. Sylfen offers the packaged system, built from modular blocks easy to mass produce and to integrate to all kinds of buildings. The controlling software is also developed, to allow continuous improvement of the building’s energy management. 

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