

Société | Portugal

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

STAB VIDA is strategically located on a research and technology park (Madan Parque - FCT/UNL) with administrative and accountability facilities and two ISO9001:2008 certified fully equipped labs, and a specialized personnel with more than 10 years of experience in genetics and genomics.

STAB VIDA established in 2001, is a Portuguese biotech SME with 25 employees and a dedicated line of products and services for genetics and genomics. Currently, its sales territory is spread out mainly throughout Portugal, Spain, UK, Italy, South America (Brazil, Chile and Uruguay) and Africa (Angola and Nigeria), including a client portfolio for NGS and “gold-standard” Sanger-sequencing of 20 clinical diagnostic laboratories/centers. STAB VIDA’s team include a CEO, CFO, COO, Project Manager, laboratory staff (including 3 PhD students), a sales force of 4 sales persons and 3 distributors (Israel, Nigeria and Catalonia-Spain).

STAB VIDA also has an extensive experience of participating and coordinating in national and European projects (3 under FP6 and 4 under FP7).

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