
Riocath Global, a.s.

Société | Tchéquie

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A propos de votre organisation

RIOCATH is a company dedicated to development and commercialization of catheters based on its proprietary ‘’Reversal Inside-Out’’ technology. Its product for urinarycatheters is expected to reach market readiness in 2020. After successfully launch, RIOCATH will aim for broader applicability of the ’Reversal Inside-Out’ technology for respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, endoscopy and surgery. The customers of RIOCATH are hospitals, health care institutions, medical device distributors and end-users.

Needs Addressed: RIOCATH addresses the large medical need for much gentler and more efficient urinary catherization method and aims to reduce discomfort and the occurrence of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) in both men and women. European estimates indicate that more than 1 million patients are affected by CAUTIs annually, leading to 4 million extra days of hospital stay and 25.000 attributable deaths per year.

Solution: The unique and patented ‘’Inside-Out’’ principle of the urinary catheter allows the gentle unfolding of the catheter in the urinary tract, thereby avoiding scraping of the urinary tract by conventional catheters that is known to cause both discomfort as well as dislodging of bacteria and their distribution through the Urinary Tract and bladder. The unique and patented construction significantly eliminates these harmful features of conventional catheters leading to CAUTIs and scarring of the urethra.

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