
Real Consulting Data

Société | France

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Real Consulting Data (RCD) is a digital and datascience  company dedicated to healthcare that helps its stakeholders accelerate their decision-making through a structured data ecosystem. It provides an efficient and agile operation system built with a new generation of tools helping significant players in life science for the past six years. It has been a consistent investor in R&D to become a leader in disruptive digital health services to lead through expertise and open innovation with data, health, and digital.
Thanks to its developers, data scientists, and health experts.
RCD has developed and manages one of the largest digital ecosystems of Healthcare Open Data in the world in partnership with the major players : OIP Healthcare.
RCD develops Digital Health Services integrating data to facilitate physician and patient journey , particularly in the field of Rare Diseases.

Company Mission: Share life sciences knowledge by making data accessible

Company Value: Data simplicity for everyone

R&D foundations : Open Innovation based on Open Data and Open Source


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