

Société | Israël

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Diabetes is a global epidemic with currently more than 460 million people worldwide living with diabetes and this number is fast growing. It is estimated that > 75 million diabetic patients globally are at high risk of developing diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) complications. Currently, about 26 million people live with non-healing DFUs globally and 1 in 5 individuals with DFUs will require a limb amputation and these patients will require a subsequent amputation within 5 years. Mortality among diabetic patients with a DFU is 2.5 times higher than that of a diabetic patient without a DFU. After an amputation, an individual may not get out of bed much in the following months, or even years, leading to overall health deterioration and, ultimately culminating in death from associated stroke or heart attack. Despite the devastating effect of DFUs and the massive costs they incur on the healthcare systems, there are still no pharmaceutical products that accelerate DFU healing safely and cost-effectively. To address the DFU problem, we developed a safe and cost-effective solution based on a globally patented “smart” topical hydrogel that accelerates DFU healing. Our cutting-edge innovation aims to provide the first EMA-approved pharmaceutical solution for DFU treatment. We delivered and published our remarkable results of phase 1/2a clinical trial, and we are now preparing for a phase 2b clinical trial in pursuit of marketing authorization of our flagship product.

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