

Société | Belgique


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

“A cynic knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing” – Oscar Wilde

On 24 April 2013 the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed and 1,134 people died, mostly working in sweathshops making garments for fast fashion brands. The emphasis on low prices led to a downward spiral of cost cutting, but also made western manufacturers and craftsmen less competitive, leading to loss of jobs and crafts.

Quifactum is a startup that restores the price/value balance by educating customers through production transparency. Customers scan a QR code on a label, to discover how, when, where and/or by whom the product was made

By connecting customers with the artisans and their craftsmanship, production transparency increases the product knowledge of the customer. It reduces the risk of buying unethically and unsustainably made products, so customers can make the world a better place.

We call this “Production Transparency Driven Marketing” (PTM) and Sales (PTS). Quifactum is the first startup using this soon to legally required ESG as a marketing and sales tool.

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