

Société | Grèce

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

QCELL is located in Chania and Heraklion, Crete, Greece. The company has developed and patented the spectral vision platform technology and produces /markets a series of derivative optical imaging systems in the fields of Medical, Crop and Marine Imaging. The team has a successful track record in developing innovations from concept to commercially successful products and a proven capacity in designing and executing international clinical trials, in achieving regulatory clearance, including FDA approval and in drafting and prosecuting patent applications. The Company operates alongside the multidisciplinary academic environment of Crete, having access to the advanced research lab facilities of the Technical University of Crete and to the local public and private medical centers. The company is an integrated part of this ecosystem, a significant privilege facilitating prototyping, proof of concept studies and pilot-level clinical validations, all together contributing to shortening time-to-market. In parallel, the company has established a strong international network of Key Opinion Leaders and consultants supporting strategic planning and implementation.

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