

Société | Grèce

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Prosperty, is a revolutionary digital-first Real Estate platform (PropTech) offering integrated end to end tech-enabled services to property portfolio investors and individuals that makes selling, buying, renting and managing property simple, contactless, transparent and efficient for all.


Prosperty disrupts a very traditional market and transforms real estate, leveraging its proprietary technology, streamlined process automation, and fully digitized workflows, combined with integrated tech-enabled end to end services (legal, technical, notarial, etc.) across the property journey, covering all the various steps of the process (incl. legalization, verification, preparation, commercialization, property management, and handholding up to transaction closing) and offers the operational scalability to efficiently manage large numbers of real estate portfolios, a service suitable for institutional investors, NPL/REO servicers, banks, and developers, redefining the whole experience for all market participants.


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