
Pixpolar Oy

Société | Finlande


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Challenge: One of the biggest global challenges in the video surveillance market is the need to significantly improve image and identification quality under low light conditions. Even software enhanced low light images remains blurred and unsuited to automated image-recognition.

Solution: Cameras having Pixpolar’s low light image sensor (MIG) capture both visible light and Near Infrared light (NIR) that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Cameras equipped with MIG image sensors will extend 1.6 times the maximum detection range compared to existing technology. It will allow superior identification of objects, and it is immune to interference. It will also allow an 80% reduction in illumination cost or 60% reduction in the number of cameras required for area surveillance at cost lower than the cost of present technology. A prototype MIG pixel has been made, tested and validated.

Business opportunity: MIG image sensor is a game changing technology. The advantages of the MIG technology enable Pixpolar to enter the large global image sensor market. The MIG technology has been demonstrated to many camera producers and they all saw great market opportunity in embedding MIG sensors in their camera applications. Likewise the camera end users saw great advantages in using MIG image sensor embedded cameras. This will open the large business potential in the fields of Security and Surveillance (S&S), night vision, scientific, automotive, aviation, maritime and medical markets.

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