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Perytons Ltd.

Société | Israël

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A propos de votre organisation

Perytons is a leading providing of communication, monitoring and analysis solutions for the IoT Edge with 100's of Blue-chip customers worldwide.

Perytons product includes:

- Professional protocol analyzers for standard protocols such as ZigBee, Thread, Bluetooth Smart (BLE), PLC PRIME, G3 PLC, LoRa as well as proprietary protocols.
- Network monitoring tools allowing ongoing monitoring and data logging of IoT edge traffic, and automatic detection of nonstandard devices, interferences, performance issues as well as security breaches.

- Smart city sensor networks - based on LoRa RF protocol with a robust networking protocol on top, allowing for secured communication keeping long (10 years) battery life,
This is used for parking management, garbage bin status, and other smart city applications.

Perytons is a privately owned company.

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