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A propos de votre organisation

Protein Alternatives (ProAlt) is a Spanish biotechnology company dedicated to the development of innovative, first-in-class therapeutic antibodies for the treatment of metastatic tumors and improved liquid phase diagnostic tools for the early detection of colorectal cancer. For the treatment of colorectal and melanoma metastatic tumors, the company has developed anti-cadherin 17 (CDH17) specific monoclonal antibodies. By targeting the conserved RGD tripeptide domain in CDH17, the therapeutic mAb acts through a novel mode of action by inhibiting integrin beta 1 activation (mediated by RGD motif in cadherin 17), thus affecting cell adhesion, proliferation and migration. In vivo proof of concept studies with the humanized lead candidate PA-0661, using a murine model of metastatic disease, showed significant improvement in survival rates of all treated animals and avoided mestastasis formation in most of them. The company is seeking financing to complete during the next two years the preclinical development of the therapeutic monoclonal antibody PA-0661. The Company also considers to increase the investment series to include Phase I/IIa clinical trials in humans. 

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