
Oleomar Sarl

Société | Tunisie


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

The waste resulting from Bluefin tuna fattening are rejected directly in the receiving environment. The quantity is estimated at 150,000 tons.

So we were faced with a real environmental problem!

These waste are 5 times richer compared to the raw material used by competitors. 

However, all products enriched in omega3 that currently exist on the market are based on the omega3 / omega6 ratio. This ancient concept is very controversial by scientists.

Oleomar uses a new concept which was tested through clinical studies conducting in France on 123 patients. The results showed that the preventive effect against cardiovascular disease is 30% more significative. 

We will be able to profit from lower cost and higher efficiency in the same time!

The global market of products enriched in Omega 3 will reach 58 billion in 2024 with a CAGR of 8.24%. USA, EU and JP represent respectively 45%, 25% and 10% of this market. We had the right reflex to file patent applications in these 3 countries in order to obtain exclusive sales rights. The examiners of EPO and those of JPO have given positive opinions, therefore:

  • A European patent was granted on Nov 2017 under num 2950667. It was validated in 2018 in 6 countries including TR – GR – UK - SP – FR – IT.
  • A Japanese Patent was granted on May 10, 2019 under num 6519875.

In addition to the innovative range of Omega 3, Oleomar produces:

  1. GELATIN: for agrifood
  2. COLLAGEN: for cosmetics
  4. Raffined-Stabilised Pulp



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