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The global oil market is the largest source of energy in the global energy consumption and is a core fuel that will be acting as the 'Transition Energy for the Energy Transition'. Oil is one of the biggest areas that need and require change in the next years but data on it remains scarce and forecasting is not widely and accurately available. Data and data transparency on oil is much needed by all the various stakeholders involved in the energy transition. Energy Market operates in real-time, current analysis methods are time consuming, prone to human error, and do not operate around the clock. Finally, deep sector expertise and advanced analytical capabilities are required to meaningfully and timely process vast oil market data.

A big part of our work is to combine conventional oil statistics with real-time data from satellites and marine intelligence to deliver a digital twin of the global supply chain and an accurate measurement of the global oil market. Our web-based platform creates the most comprehensive and coherent visualization of the global crude oil & refined product market. We consume and interpret satellite data with AI technology to bring advanced oil analytics, 24 hours 7 days a week. In addition, our data driver research offering provides oil traders and analysts with indispensable market analysis.

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