
Naukowo Badawcze Centrum Rozwoju Soi "AgeSoya" Sp. z o.o.

Société | Pologne

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

AgeSoya is the scientific breeding company which specializes in the development of innovative and highly productive soybean varieties possessing high genetic potential, renewal and maintenance of existing varieties and sales of soybean seeds of high reproductions. 
AgeSoya offers 7 innovative soybean lines that possess 4 unique genetic traits, received with one and only in its kind, exclusive interspecific hybrids, providing the highest potential yield among all soybean varieties currently included in the European List of Plants. While average worldwide soybean yield in 2017 was 2.35 t/ha, our innovative soybean lines have a yield potential of more than 7.0 t/ha, which is more than 2x higher. 
Company’s goal is to provide in the European agricultural sector new soya lines with unique genetic traits and technological solution for their cultivation. By combining the genetic potential of our 7 innovative soy lines and the new technology, we will increase soybean yield potential bringing profitability more than 2x higher, cause impact on raising access to non-GMO soya in Europe and boost competitiveness of our company. 
For the project implementation, our company is searching for consortium partners, collaboration on multiplication activities of our innovation and potential investors for further commercialization of innovative unique soybean lines. The estimated investment for demonstration and dissemination project is 2.5 mln euro.

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