

Société | France

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

The growing number of enterprise Cloud applications in use today makes finding relevant data difficult. While employees spend 25% of their time searching for information and 15% of their time duplicating pre-existing data, 75% of businesses today lack a unified search tool.


Metadesk unifies access to your data from a web browser extension that's easy to use, quick to deploy and most importantly is the natural convergence point of all your cloud applications while being always by your side.


Metadesk brings you personalized document and applications suggestions related to what you do in real-time, as you work. Say you're reading an email about the Smith account and the new BX-32 product. Metadesk would automatically provide you with direct links to the Smith account profile and the BX-32 documentation right there, in your browser.


And when you need to go beyond that, Metadesk also includes a unified search box that works across all your connected cloud applications and gives personalized results matching your work habits.

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