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MeetApp International AB

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A propos de votre organisation

MeetApp is an end to end event technology platform. With MeetApp you can inform and engage event participants and create a higher value in your event.

Our solution is built to support the needs of physical, digital and hybrid events, with a seamless experience between mobile and desktop experience.

We integrate to various streaming and digital meeting platforms, to create an information hub and interactivity driver in the event. Simply put, use MeetApp to make your digital event a real event instead of just a one way communication stream.

In addition to our focus areas information sharing, interactivity tools and driving of networking we provide registration and invitation functionality. Set up easy to use event registration pages and send out invitations to participants.

MeetApp is built to have many events in one highly branded app and web platform.

We take pride in delivering a very reliable and scalable solution that will work to 100% the day the event take place. 

MeetApp emphasize data integrity and accessability in our solution by being fully GDPR compliant and investing in text to voice and other accessability functions.

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Resellers of event technology - event app

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