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Medyria AG

Société | Suisse

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A propos de votre organisation

Medyria is a Swiss MedTech  start-up founded in 2013 by Dr.  Mauro Sette  offering innovative technologies to cardiologists that increase patient and physician safety whilst minimising procedural manipulations, reducing procedure time and potential complications and lowering total treatment costs.  The company is located in the Technopark Winterthur business centre in Switzerland and its facilities include: administration and quality office, production laboratory, R&D laboratory and store room. Medyria  has a lean and dynamic team of 6 people combining more than 50 years’ cumulative experience in biomedical and cardiac engineering, clinical research, project management, business development and marketing.Medyria carried out extensive market research with cardiac specialists and uncovered an unmet market need for real-time assessment of the anatomy and physiology of coronary and micro- vasculature of the heart, which their sensing technology could address.  PhysioCath is an all in one, plug & play device designed to be used during standard angiography procedures to provide cardiologists with real-time information about key coronary indexes. Medyria has a strong IP strategy and its technology is protected by 4 patent families secured in strategic markets: Europe, China, Japan, and US.

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