
Maintenel Automation SIA

Société | Lettonie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

A B2B SaaS/DaaS solution that reduces operation and maintenance expenses of off-highway vehicles and industrial equipment. 

At the core of the sales model - is creating a large distributor network and having a recurrent revenue from subscriptions.


Our product addresses an unnecessary downtime, premature wear and sudden failures of the off-highway vehicles and industrial equipment of any brand or age. Our system performs an analysis of equipment workload and assigns timely maintenance by employing proprietary predictive maintenance algorithms. The result is reducing operating and maintenance costs of customer’s equipment.


In contrast to products existing on the market, our solution focuses on one vital problem and evaluates operation of equipment basing on a range of operating states - not merely on engine hours or analysis by system operators. This is a turnkey system consisting of both devices and cloud services, installed and running in minutes. In comparison with the closest competitors we are more precise, convenient and cost-effective.


Monetization consists of two types of subscription (SaaS / DaaS) + additional income from sales of devices. The costs of our service takes only 2-5% of savings achieved by the customer.

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