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METIS Cyberspace Technology SA

Société | Grèce

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

specializes in the development of innovative solutions that empower
shipping companies towards their journey to digital transformation.
Based on a team of skillful engineers with considerable expertise in
mechanical &naval engineering as well as extensive business know
how in shipping, METIS has managed in a short period of time to make
a significant impact in the Global Maritime Industry. METIS, offers an
intelligent solution through which executives of various roles and from
multiple levels of management, are able to accomplish their everyday
tasks, plan upcoming events, diagnose problems, resolve critical
issues and make justified decisions. Companies that use the METIS
platform enjoy significant benefits that help them stand out from the
competition, such as: Achieve operational efficiency, Optimize F.O.
Consumption, Enhance the planned maintenance process, Manage the
environmental footprint, Ensure regulatory compliance.

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