
Ladar Ltd

Société | Anguilla

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Ladar Ltd is a specialized research and development company that focuses on the development of laser technology for the maritime market. We specialize in building systems for collision avoidance, both for large and small vessels, with the main objective of reducing contact and collision incidents between vessels, shoals, ice flows, animals, offshore infrastructures etc. With this we aim at having a system that can drastically improve maritime safety and reduce claims and costs of otherwise avoidable collisions.

More recently,

Ladar  Ltd has been researching and developing plans and project proposals to adapt our current LADARTM  system into plastic detection applications. Testing and studies performed to the date show that our technology has great potential for these applications, specifically in monitoring plastic and support clean-up activities.

Both applications use the same system configuration, being only required to do specific adjustments and replacements to adapt its performance to fit each of the applications. This is achieved due to a modular system strategy adopted since the beginning of the LADARTM development, meaning the system«s uses extend beyond collision avoidance and plastic detection, being possible to adapt it to specific requirements from end user, e.g. oil plume or gas leaks detection, etc.

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