

Société | France

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LACLARÉE is developing a pair of electronically controlled eyeglasses for people aged over 40.  Most people, at this stage, begin to have trouble reading without stretching their arms and find it increasingly difficult to perfom precise vision tasks, reading on a computer screen or long distance vision, even when wearing glasses.

LACLARÉE eyeglasses integrate lenses whose optical power automatically adjusts, controlled by a miniature range finder. When looking at an object, the image is always sharp even in a large field of vision. It provides a very clear vision without any optical compromise, even in intermediate vision.

With fix lenses, the patient is condemned to get always the same optimal focus. The electronical control will also enable a calibration adapted to the evolution of the patient eyesight through the years.

LACLARÉE brings a disruptive technology. Thanks to this new technology, patients who do not find current solutions satisfactory such as progressive lenses, will regain an excellent vision comfort.

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