
LIFEAK, Job Accommodation Solutions for Life S.L.

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Valiryo® Body Dryer is the flagship project in LIFEAK, a technology company based in Pamplona and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (by ENISA) and the European Development Fund through ICEX.


Valiryo® is the most efficient body dryer on the market. The patented curved column with 23 air vents ensures a perfect dry at a uniform temperature from head to feet. Valiryo® Body Dryer drying temperature is up to 21º C higher than the ambient temperature. The control panel features 16 different working functions which Valiryo® will memorise for the next use. It can be installed both on a flat wall and in the corner of the shower. It is 100 % waterproof and features an IP35 protection rating.


Valiryo® prolongs the confort sensation of a hot shower and enhances muscle relaxation and skin smoothness thanks to the effect of warm air and the avoidance of towel roughness.


Valiryo® Body Dryer is present in both private homes and in hotels, gyms and spas and wellness centers in Spain, UAE, Russia and France, among others.


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