

Société | Norvège

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Intrava is a group of data enthusiasts who love making sense of messy data. Our mission is to enable real estate companies to capitalize on data by integrating their data sources into a centralized database (data warehouse) and provide dashboards containing data from across the organization in one portal. With Intrava our customers can make data-driven decisions quickly.


Real estate companies' (of all sizes) data footprints are growing exponentially every day creating the need for more sophisticated technologies than Excel to process and analyze data. However, navigating the technology market and obtaining a clear picture of what technologies and competencies are needed to reach goals isn't easy without a knowledgeable IT-department, even with a knowledgable IT-department this is hard. However, with Intrava real estate companies can access enterprise-class analytics technology and competencies without investing millions of dollars in software and internal teams.


Intrava is a data analytics platform comprised of multiple technologies that seamlessly work together to produce powerful business insights across systems.


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