
InterAx Biotech SA

Société | Suisse

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

InterAx Biotech AG is a research-based Swiss company, spin-off from the ETH Zürich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). It has developed a unique drug discovery platform to reduce the time and costs for discovery and development of new drugs for a wide array of human diseases. InterAx technology combines in-vitro cell signaling experiments with mathematical modeling of signaling pathways and machine learning to discover new effective treatments and de-risk clinical trials.

Partnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies, Boehringer Ingelheim and Lundbeck, and South Korean biotech company, GPCR Therapeutics, allowed us to validate the technology platform. InterAx is currently applying its technology to an in-house drug discovery program in the field of oncology and has discovered a new molecular entity targeting solid tumours in several cancer subtypes with high unmet needs.

Recherche de partenaires

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InterAx Biotech and GPCR Therapeutics collaborate for the identification of compounds with superior biological properties targeting GPCR heteromers

Objet du partenariat

InterAx Biotech and Boehringer Ingelheim collaborate for enabling the in-depth characterization of drug candidates

Objet du partenariat

InterAx Biotech and Lundbeck A/S entered an agreement to enable the in-depth characterization of drug candidates

Objet du partenariat

InterAx Biotech and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam enter a collaboration to unlock novel chemical space for chemokine therapeutics

Objet du partenariat

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