

Société | Luxembourg

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Inkspired is a platform for creators of narratives and stories. We help creators to publish and monetize them. These stories can reach an audience of half a million readers. Readers can read thousands of stories in many interactive formats, genres, languages, discover new amazing creators and support them.

Millions of creators publish new original content every day, gathering thousands of followers. The global creator's economy alone sees more than 500 million active people creating pieces of multimedia content every month, with more than 100 million of content being produced in the narrative space, in a market worth $900 billion.

For creators of narrative-based storytelling, developing audiences is more challenging, and most do not have the capability, community, or tools to do it. There are creators that have talent and quality, but they tend to forget the 10x rule: for every hour put into creating content, you need 10 to promote it. This is where Inkspired comes in, helping authors to become better at writing, promoting and, therefore, selling directly in a growing global community.


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