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Imagine Intelligent Materials

Société | Finlande

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A propos de votre organisation

Imagine Intelligent Materials Oy is the European subsidiary of Imagine Intelligent Materials Ltd, founded in 2014 in Sydney, Australia. Imagine develops sensing solutions that deliver valuable data from large surface areas in buildings and infrastructure and can be manufactured at scale. The unique way in which Imagine integrates proprietary conductive graphene coatings together with signals processing software and hardware enables virtually any surface to produce real time data in a very cost-efficient way. The data can be used to monitor moisture, leakage, structural integrity and people flow in buildings to address problems early, preventing costly repairs or hazards. Further, the occupancy data can be used for optimizing space usage, providing security and managing energy consumption in smart buildings. Imagine’s revenues are generated from sales of graphene coatings and Sensing as a Service model combined with data analytics services.

Imagine has built the first commercial graphene manufacturing plant in Australia, pioneered the development of conductive graphene coatings as well as introduced the first successful leak detection geotextile (imgne® X3) based on graphene technology. A first integrated sensing solution prototype for footstep monitoring was introduced early 2019 followed by real time leak sensing prototype for the wood construction industry in January 2020 with a large-scale pilot installation in October 2020.

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