A propos de votre organisation

Isquaemia Biotech is a Biotech Company focused on development of a new line of drugs and compounds to treat the Central Nervous System (CNS) pathologies, such as Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS).

Isquaemia is developing a new neuroprotective drug for the treatment of AIS that seeks to improve the efficacy of current treatments, the therapeutic window and meet the clinical needs not covered. The drug acts in a specific area of ​​the brain and it is able to reduce and even reverse the neurological damage caused.

The new drug is a hybrid steroid-nitrone, with neuroprotective and neurorepairer characteristics, that can reduce and reverse the neurological damage caused after the stroke.

The drug under development is in the preclinical phase, where tests on toxicology and metabolism have already been successfully overcome in animal models (mice and rats). To date, the results obtained with the candidate drugs of Isquaemia are totally positive. If we compare the results of our candidates and those obtained with other drugs on the market, we find that Isquaemia's products outperform them in terms of neuroprotection, permeability, neurorepair and improvement of clinical conditions.

Currently, the Isquaemia's drug is starting the regulatory preclinical phase.

The new Isquaemia drug will have a good position in the current market due to the absence of competitors (therapeutic alternatives) in neuroprotection.


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