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A propos de votre organisation

Igen Biolab’s purpose is the medical and clinical research of new compounds to fight against some medical conditions such as cancer and other inflammatory diseases. This is aimed throughout the research and production of new postbiotic compounds (lysate not probiotics) based in the human microbiome as a new approach to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and the extension of their estimated life expectancy. Igen Biolab does not work with new isolated molecules or drugs. Nowadays Igen is performing an external and regulated phase II clinical study in Spain with one of its compounds, namely “Igen 1806”. This compound is aimed to improve the quality of life and the general survival of lung cancer patients.

Additionally, Igen is focused on developing some other new treatments for different types of cancer and degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and autism and systems for early diagnosis of some types of cancer, degenerative diseases, celiac disease, and autoimmune diseases. Other fields or R&D fall into DNA extraction and, in general, everything related to the field of scientific research aimed to improve the quality of life.

Igen Biolab has specifically involved a phase II clinical trial of one of its products from its pipeline. To this end, it is seeking public funding and adequate financing to enable it to face up to the challenges of the future. Igen Biolab will use the financing to contribute to the development of this phase.

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